The COVID-19 outbreak has brought about new risks and challenges. Every business from a start-up to a global enterprise has been impacted. Many companies were forced to cut costs and ramp down their operational costs. The effects of COVID-19 have affected the lives of the people, not only on health but also on the economic front. Job losses have been reported, salaries have been slashed, bonuses have been put on hold and in critical situations, businesses have shut down their offices altogether.

The global economy is facing major challenges. Work patterns have totally gone under transformation. Working from home/remote is the in thing today. Some companies are accustomed to this work mode particularly in the IT outsourcing sector, whereas for others it’s a new work model and are facing challenges. Also the distinction between in-house, remote and onsite teams has diminished.

Challenges in the Remote Work Model
With working remotely becoming a necessity for companies to run their business, many enterprises and organizations are experiencing challenges of adapting a remote working model for their employees. From poor network connectivity, outdated work stations, lack of training (of working from home for long time periods), collaboration tools, etc. Another key factor that plays a crucial role is human interaction. With the remote mode, human interaction has been limited to virtual meetings. This is a psychological factor which affects even the top performer in a team or organization. WSJ recently came out with an article on the challenges of working remotely – companies have started to think remote work isn’t so great after all.

In today’s changing marketplace, with the remote working model, managing all of your marketing and design in-house which needs strong collaboration between different teams is a big challenge.

Check out a few insights below on why to outsource your design and marketing business in the scenario created by COVID-19 pandemic and how to keep your business running.

Time Utilization and Business Focus

As a marketing head you have endless list of tasks to manage and deliver. Does it make sense to occupy your time working on marketing aspects of your business which are not billable? Let an experienced boutique agency develop and manage your marketing solutions, while you focus your prime time on priority responsibilities.

Cost Efficiency

To lower operational costs, hiring an agency on as needed will allow you to pay for the actual hours worked. Compared to a full time employee this is a cheaper option keeping unforeseen expenditure in maintaining internal assets. Expenditure can be manpower, office space and rentals, trainings, work stations, etc.

New Projects and Initiatives

Business has to move on, and companies need to come up with new projects or enhancements of current products keeping in mind the market scenario. It may take weeks or even months to gather up resources to get started. If the launch is crucial, consider outsourcing the needs to a boutique agency with the required resources and experience to take on the project.

Keep up with the Competition

Outsourcing can be used by anyone whether a large or a small organization. For small/medium organizations with limited budget or resources, outsourcing their needs will allow them to compete with large companies by offering the same expertise and services as provided to larger clients.

As the whole world is passing through difficult times, and businesses continue to recover from the impacts of COVID-19, outsource your branding and digital marketing requirements, while you focus on the core competencies of your business.

If you are looking for an experienced boutique agency specializing in outsourcing creative, branding and digital marketing, get in touch with us TODAY!